
Spelling alphabet inggris
Spelling alphabet inggris

Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif dengan desain phenomenology untuk mendiskripsikan phenomena yang terjadi berkaitan dengan pergeseran bahasa daerah di pulau Buru. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengkaji tentang kondisi bahasa-bahasa daerah di Indonesia khususnya di pulau Buru yang mengalami pergeseran yang berdampak pada kepunahan, apa saja faktor yang mempengaruhi kepunahan bahasa daerah Buru, dan bagamanakah langkah awal pencegahan kepunahan itu. Dari jumlah penduduk kabupaten Buru sebanyak 132.100 jiwa, hanya sekitar 14.000 yang mengetahui bahasa Buru dan hanya sekitar 5.000 masyarakat yang mampu dan aktif berkomunikasi menggunakan bahasa Buru. therefore we must be able to follow without leaving the existing good habits.Ībstrak: Penomena miris tentang pergeseran bahasa daerah Buru saat ini merupakan faktor yang sangat dominan mengancam punahnya identitas masyarakatnya. if we can not keep up with our thinking then we will only be behind we will not develop. In an increasingly advanced era, technology is increasingly developing, then everyone's thinking should also be able to develop according to the times. Purpose of writing The purpose of this article is to provide an understanding of the importance of everyone understanding and learning English in the current era of technology 4.0. What is the right way to easily learn English? C. Why do some people find it difficult to learn English? 7. Why was English chosen as International language? 6. What is the role of English in technological 5. What are the benefits of learning English? 4. How is the development of English in Indonesia? 3. The industrial revolution is currently an interesting discussion because in this modern era all Indonesian are required to be skilled in English. English plays a very dominant role in the current era because indirectly in this industrial revolution era, we will always interact with foreign investors. Currently, the country is developing very rapidly, starting from industry to technology that currently exists. Set so that everyone can easily communicate even though they are from different countries. Is an International language, the language that will be used Internationally. English is a foreign language that is often used by people in western countries.

spelling alphabet inggris

A language is a tool for us to communicate with people around us, language makes it easier for us to be able to understand the intentions and goals that someone will do.

Spelling alphabet inggris