
Destiny 2 flickery edges
Destiny 2 flickery edges


They haven't come out and said it, but Bungie had a close relationship with Sony on the first Destiny and has always had exclusive content on Sony's consoles. How do you know that it has better gameplay?

destiny 2 flickery edges

Better graphics, better gameplay, none of the arbitrary limitations imposed by Sony.Ĭitation needed for Sony limiting framerate.Īlso, you've not played Anthem, no one has. This is one reason why ANTHEM will kick it's ass on XBONEX.


It runs at 60 FPS fine on XBONEX (or better) but the developer has to limit it to 30 FPS for the PS4 Pro to keep up.ĭon't blame the hardware when contacts and $$$ are involved. The only reason that it will run at 30 FPS on XBOX One X is because the developer has a contract with Sony to limit it to that on ALL CONSOLES. Tweaks to the weapon system, which consists of the three categories of Kinectic, Energy, and Power, mixes up the combat, too. Playing Destiny 2 with a mouse and keyboard gives it a different feel to its console counterpart-the faster turning speed alone is a huge advantage against waves of enemies-but it's easy to adapt if you're coming from a controller. These include the likes of ambient occlusion, motion blur, AA, foliage detail, lighting shadow details, depth of field, and more. The dank corridors of the Cabal shift you're tasked with infiltrating in the Homecoming mission look suitably moody, while the flashy neon-glow of your sword-swinging Super Ability pops from the screen.įor those into tinkering, there is a whole swathe of visual effects to enable or disable inside the settings menu. There's a new lighting system, too, which features object-based lighting and specular highlights.


The PC version supports high-resolution textures and improved particle effects, along with graphical niceties like soft shadows. Also of note: we couldn't play any of Destiny 2's multiplayer or strike missions on PC this time around. None of which says much about the game's story, of course, but if you're going to try to glean what you can from an old demo, you might as well do it in the most lavish way possible. But this is the first time press have been able to capture the game in all its 4K, 60FPS glory. The Homecoming mission isn't strictly new it was first shown at the Destiny 2 reveal earlier in the year.


But, as luck would have it, Nvidia has the full "Homecoming" story mission on show at its E3 stand in glorious 4K on a GTX 1080 Ti.

destiny 2 flickery edges

Whether or not Bungie has been successful remains to be seen. It even went as far as to hire Mass Effect writer Christopher Shlerf, who will hopefully knock the story into shape. But as many found after taking the time to complete it, Destiny's story was weak at best-a stumble attributed to a rocky development schedule and a hasty rewrite six months before launch.ĭestiny 2 features a new story campaign to ease players into the ins and outs of its mechanics, but Bungie is promising a far richer experience this time around. Technically, Activison's MMO-shooter Destiny has a single-player, story-driven campaign. Make sure you click the cog and tell YouTube to give you the 4K stream.Įven for a game focused on multiplayer-PvP, co-op, or otherwise-a good single-player campaign is often a great way to introduce the basic mechanics to newbies before throwing them to the online wolves. Destiny 2 gameplay in 4K, with the voice of Mark Walton.

Destiny 2 flickery edges